Email: Referrals: Appointments: 9776 5000    8:30am - 4:30pm


What you need to bring with you to your appointment:

  • Your referral letter
  • Relevant X-rays and scans Blood tests
  • Pathology results (if available)
  • Medicare card (Pension or Veteran Affairs card if applicable)
  • Workcover patients need to supply claim number, and insurer details
  • List of medications
  • Wear appropriate clothing to allow comprehensive examination.


  • Treatments must be paid for at the time of consultation.
  • Please arrive 5 minutes before your initial appointment.
  • All Telehealth consultations will attract a private fee.
  • Should you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please inform us at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time. This will assist in allocating appointment to patients on our waiting list. We reserve the right to charge you a non- attendance fee, which is not eligible for a Medicare rebate.
  • Appointments cancelled without prior notification will require pre-payment to secure next consultation booking.

We accept:

EFTPOS, Visa, MasterCard.

Worker’s Compensation Claims, Third Party Claims

Bring your insurance information to your first appointment. This will include your claim number and case manager details. In most circumstances (except for initial commencement of physiotherapy), pre-approval of your visit will need to be obtained from the insurance company. We look forward to seeing you soon and assisting you back to health!

Urgent Appointments

If you require an urgent appointment, please ask your General Practioner /Referring Doctor, to telephone the Rheumatologist you have been referred to. We will then try to see you ASAP or redirect you if the condition is more suitably treated in an emergency department.